good contract.

1.      Explain the elements of a good contract.

The requisite elements that must be established to demonstrate the formation of a legally binding contract are:

First, an offer must be extended in order to begin a contract. This should include details of the agreement and its terms and conditions. Simply put, the offer is the offeror's attempt at entering into a contract with another.

Sometimes businesses will look for contractors through an invitation to treat by letting people know that they are interested in entering into a contract.

Once the offer is extended, it's in the hands of the offeree to either accept or reject the proposal and its terms and conditions. Offerees can accept offers via mail, email, or verbally.

Most states use the mailbox rule meaning that, if an offer is accepted via mail or email, the moment the acceptance is placed in a mailbox to be mailed or sent via email, it has officially been accepted. This holds true even if the offerer never receives the acceptance. Within this acceptance, there needs to be a clear statement that the terms of the agreement are all accepted.

Meeting of the Minds
The meeting of the minds in contract law refers to the moment when both parties have recognized the contract and both agreed to enter into its obligations. This is also called:

Genuine agreement
Mutual agreement
Mutual assent
Consensus ad idem
Even after the parties have entered into the contract, it can be voided a few different ways including duress, undue influence, fraud, or misrepresentation.

Something of value must be exchanged in order to have a valid legal agreement. Usually, things like products, property, protection, or services are offered for the exchange of money.

If not trading in money at all, the parties should be sure that the court would view whatever they are trading, also called their consideration, as valuable.

Each party must be fully able or have the legal capacity to enter into the contract in order for it to be considered valid. For instance, you cannot enter into a legal contract with a three-year-old. Both parties must be of their right mind in order to form a contract, so a valid agreement could not take place if one of the parties is under the influence of any mind-altering substance.

This also includes the desire of both parties to enter into the agreement free from coercion.

Contracts cannot be created to govern the trade of illegal products or services. A drug dealer cannot enforce a contract with their buyer if their buyer doesn't pay them.

Each party must show legal intent, meaning that they intend for the results of their agreement to be completely legal.


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